Brothers {} St. Louis Children’s photography

I met these boys for the first time in the NICU at St. Johns. They looked exactly like most premies do, but I’d never seen one before so I had no frame of reference… translation: I was quite certain they were destined to be a liiiiiittle funny looking.

Boy was I wrong.

Sooooo wrong (…which is quite rare actually 😉 )

Ethan is a little mini-me of his daddy…

And Cole very much resembles his mama.

Tomorrow they turn 7 (Happy Birthday guys!)…and I canNOT believe how quickly those little “aliens” turned into such handsome boys.

I think every boy should get to have a brother. Case in point:


They weren’t super happy about this requested “pose” but I KNOW their mama is going to love this pic and I’m sure they will someday too!

…one more time with the brotherly love…

Dear Ethan and Cole: If you stay on the same curve, in 7 more years you’ll be Abercrombie models. Don’t forget the little people who captured you along the way 🙂 . Happy Birthday!

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