Henry {} Saint Louis Newborn Photography

I’ve been sitting on these pics for several weeks now, DYING to share them…(waiting for this little guy’s birth announcement to go out so I didn’t steal his thunder).

So without further ado…I couldn’t be more proud to introduce my newest nephew, Henry Thomas.

I waited up all night for him to be born because I was so excited to meet him (well, that, and my brother gave me some bad info around 1am that led me to believe he’d be here well before sunrise instead of a couple hours after!)

But he was well worth the wait…(and the neck pain that lasted a week from “sleeping” in a waiting room chair) 🙂

ummmm….tell me he’s not the cutest? You know you want to pinch those cheeks.

I was sure Henry was going to be a girl…I had money on it, actually. But when my big bro came out to the waiting room and proudly announced, “it’s a boy!”, I miiiiight have been more excited about using my newest photo prop than anything else 🙂

He could not have been more perfect for his newborn session and it literally took me more time to narrow down the pictures than it did to edit them.

are you kidding me with the sweetness? If he wasn’t related, I would’ve tried to steal him.

Every little detail about him is perfect. Absomalutely perfect.

…and for the record…next time I’m shooting this picture, I won’t use a 2 pound blanket on a scale that won’t “zero”…he really didn’t weight 10.5 pounds 🙂

Dear Henry: you are indescribably loved and adorably cute….not to mention you’ve got some damn good genes 🙂 If you grow up to be half the man your daddy is, you’ll be amongst the best of the best.

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  • Myra Lamb

    These are amazing photographs, I know you did have a terrific subject, but you did wonderful work.
    Congrats on nephew and pics.