Sweet little Natalie {} St. Louis Newborn photography

Natalie’s mama and I have history. A lot of history. The kind that binds people together for a lifetime because the greatest joys and deepest sorrows have been experienced and survived together. I could write an entire blog about how her friendship has shaped me, but suffice it to say that a big part of who I am is thanks to her constant and steadfast presence in my life.

“Parenting” was pretty much the only life-staged we had yet to share…but that officially changed on March 9 when sweet little Natalie made her debut.

She is sweeter than I even imagined, cuter than I expected (and I was expecting a lot!), and the kind of adorable than can only be described in pictures.

Baby smiles are just the best…and I always wonder what they’re dreaming about…

ummmm…pretty sure this is my favorite (although it was hard to choose).

I love her.

Little miss bright eyes (she doesn’t like to miss a beat, so getting all these sweet, sleepy pics was not a task for mere mortals) 🙂

Have I mentioned that I love this kid? Seriously.

The definition of perfection.

More favorites. My bestie with her baby girl…sweet, sweet, sweet.

My amazingly talented friend (and partner in crime) Krissy did the birth announcements and I could not have loved them more.

Dear Natalie: I loved you before I knew you…and now I love you even more. Can’t wait for you and my girls to be besties like your mama and me 🙂

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  • KT

    Natalie brought tears to my eyes. Its crazy to remember the day that Katie was born and then to see such a her turn into a mother herself!!! Natalie is SO GOREGOUS! Those sleepy picutures are beautiful but then you see her with her eyes open and MY GOLLY!!!!!!! ART AT ITS FINEST!
    Love Aunt KT 🙂

  • […] …and a few other favorites from a quick 3 month session with sweet little Natalie… […]