Mercy and Miracles {} 6 months later

If you’re new to this story, you can get the background here and here and here

Now that you’re caught up, these little miracles are 6 months old and could. not. be. cuter.


My mama gave their mama these sweaters at her 28 week party and it sparked a color-coordinated organizational system for keeping their stuff straight. Genius.

Kim is AH-MAZING…and although she firmly holds to her profound, “don’t have triplets” advice, she loves these boys more than my measly words could ever describe.

Little Matthew is a fighter and although he was on track to go to Kindergarten still on oxygen, he has recently kicked the habit and could not be happier about it!

Charlie is Mr. Personality. This was about the only picture where he WASN’T smiling, but I just love his expression (“what chu lookin’ at Willis?”)…

…and this is how he spends most of his days…laughing.

David looks the most like his daddy (although technically he and Matthew are indentical) and already seems to be favoring his personality too…happy-go-lucky most of the time and occasionally, feisty and stubborn as hell!

Every time I take their picture, I offer to keep one, but Kim keeps turning me down. Rude! I guess it’d be hard to choose anyway.

How genius is this invention? This was their first time in the “triplet” table and they did really well. Before long, they’ll be throwing elbows and stealing each other’s food. Oh, the joys.

Dear David, Matthew and Charlie: I’m anticipating many crazy, fun stories from your time in that triplet table. Celebrating your milestones is one of my life’s greatest privileges. Here’s to many more!

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