Priceless {} Personal

Words cannot begin to define my gratitude for…excitement about…love of…obsession with…these pictures.

The unbelievably talented Michelle Huesgen of Untamed Heart Photography did such an amazing job of capturing my most precious peeps (and our newest addition).

I look at them every day….and show them to anyone who cares (and probably quite a few that don’t 🙂 )…

I. could. die.
This miiiiiight be the sweetest picture ever taken. Ever.

I’m almost never in pictures because I’m always behind the camera, so I couldn’t be more thrilled with how Michelle froze this moment in time for me…

My fab assistant and sweet friend Krissy helped me do Mac’s birth announcement and I couldn’t have been more excited about it. Here’s the front/back view for those of you not on our mailing list…

…we are truly humbled by God’s grace to us…

Dear Michelle, these pictures are BEYOND priceless to me. I am indescribably grateful. Seriously.

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  • Love, love love!!! Sooo precious!

  • Theresa (Hagemann) Long

    Beautiful and sweet family, Kelly!