Mercy and Miracles {} Part 2

“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things.” Isaiah 24:20

I ended Mercy and Miracles Part 1 with this verse (you’ll def want to check it out here if you missed it) and it seemed only fitting to begin part 2 with the very same words.

Exactly two weeks after Part 1 was written (and less than 18 hours after the medication-that all the text books say shouldn’t have worked- was stopped), God’s perfect faithfulness resulted in these three marvelous “things”:

David: (the biggest and the first out…named after his Daddy)

Charles: (the “non-identical” one—although if you ask me they all three look exactly like their Dad):

Matthew: (the little guy with the toughest road but the feistiest spirit…it won’t be long before he’s giving the other two a run for their money!)

I’ve been sitting on these pictures for a few weeks because it’s been a very (…and I mean VERY…) bumpy road, but these little miracles have hit the 12 week mark (2 weeks is their adjusted age) and are doing pretty darn good.

This weekend I’ll have the privilege of doing their second photo shoot so I figured it was time to post these. There are still tubes and wires and monitors and oxygen tanks, but they are getting stronger by the day and cuter by the minute. 

…I’ve been sitting here a while now trying to put words to the experience of watching this story unfold from start to finish and I suppose I can only summarize it by quoting the deeply profound words of their mom: “don’t.have.triplets.”

I’m keeping that in mind (you might want to as well 🙂 )…but behind those words is the fierce love of a new mom who has fought…and sacrificed…and pleaded for the lives of these three little boys.

And standing firmly by her side the entire time is a proud father who has been stability and comfort and encouragement when all the odds were against them.

And behind the scenes (but very much evident and tangible through inner peace and kindness of friends and strangers) was a gracious God who granted them a series of miracles and indescribable mercies from conception to delivery (and through these very challenging first months). 

All that being said, I guess certain things can’t be described in words…but can only be felt in eternal gratitude for genuine community, profound appreciattion for modern medicine, and most importantly, praise and glory to a good and gracious God.

And sometimes stories are better told in pictures… (and I’m sure you’re dying to see a few more 🙂 ). 



**for a size reference, notice the blue 3×5 card…it’s is just under half his length.



I didn’t take this last picture (though I SO wish I had been hanging around the NICU when Santa showed up) but we used it for their Christmas card and it seems a fitting way to end this post….partly because it’s the first pic of the three of them together, but mostly because it pictures Kim and Dave’s Christmas miracle in a way that will undoubtedly make you smile.

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  • Robbie Zeller

    Oh, these babies are just amazingly wonderful! I am so thankful to God for each one of them. Can’t wait for the next pictures. . . . .

  • Lisa Hessel

    Wowzers, they are so tiny and God is so good. thanks for posting these, Kelly.

  • dina giamalva

    Oh! What incredible blessings – and totally beautiful little boys. My baby girl was early and tiny and looked so fragile, just like these guys. My heart goes out to the parents (and my prayers – even more important I think!). But right now, Josephine is five and I WISH I could hold her back a little so she could stop growing SO FAST! Blessings – Dina

  • Ashley Dressler

    Absolutely beautiful! Kel, awesome photos and perfect words. These little guys (and Kim and Dave) are on our hearts and minds, and seeing their sweet faces is such an evidence of God’s grace and goodness. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts/skills this way–Can’t wait to see more from this weekend!

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