Alicia & Joe {} Engaged

For those of you who live in St. Louis, you’ll find this shocking…but on the day of Alicia and Joe’s session the sun was no where to be found. Wait? You’re not surprised? Oh…I guess because the sun has been MIA since March.

Fortunately, no sun was needed to make these two look good…

…and getting a laugh out of them was no trouble at all.

Sun or not, spring was in full bloom and we couldn’t have had a prettier setting for their pics.

Alicia, you are absomalutely gorgeous and are going to be a beautiful bride!

ummmmm…favorite. No question.

Love this series of pics…and this park…and this couple.

Dear Alicia and Joe: can’t wait to shoot your wedding. I’m sure by then we’ll be complaining about the heat of the sun and wishing for winter…but either way, it will be a blast!

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  • These look great! And Alicia and Joe are just adorable. They are going to have some amazing wedding photos