Elena Bat Mitavah

Elena’s bat mitzvah ceremony was my first, and I could not have been more impressed with the commitment and knowledge and maturity that it takes to achieve this honor. 

From participating in community service to learning Hebrew (and hundreds of hours of memorizing and studying and rehearsing in between), this is no task for mere mortals. This kid is amazing and I was very much convicted about how lackadaisical I often am about my faith.  

This very meaningful part of the service involves the Torah being passed down from generation to generation, ending with a charge to Elena to impart God’s word to future generations.

…and then her parents had an opportunity to tell her in in front of all their friends and family how very proud they are of her. I don’t even know these people and I needed a box of kleenex…so touching!

For as many sentimental tears that were shed, there was twice as much laughter, and Elena did an unbelievable job leading the service.

Afterwards there was a delicious brunch with fun decor…


…really creative centerpieces…

 …and an awesome video in honor of Elena…

…love, love, love this pic of her proud parents watching it…

Elena looked beautiful and I love these family pics in their Temple.

This just makes me happy… 

…and how about those beautiful baby blues???

 Even when dressed up, boys will be boys.

Later that night there was a big, sock-hop themed celebration for Elena and her friends.

Lucas was the greeting committee…

…the decorations were absomalutely Ah-dorable…

… the costumes were legit…

 …and the dance moves were funky…

Dear God, please let me be half as fun, spry, and full of life as these two at this age…

Lucas the laaaaaadie’s man…

 How adorable is this???

The whole gang…(shoot, I didn’t even KNOW this many people when I was 13, let alone have this many friends).

 I’m quite certain Elena’s cheecks hurt the next morning and there’s no question she’ll remember this night the rest of her life.

Dear Elena: I seriously pray that my girls are half as poised, well spoken, fun, and sweet as you when they are 13. It was such a blast being part of your big day!

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