Otero Family {} St. Louis Family Photography

One of the greatest joys of having a talent is when you can share it with a worthy cause.

This adorable family purchased this photo session at an auction that supports a ministry near and dear to my heart called Mission St. Louis. If you’ve ever wanted to really “get in the game” and make a difference in St. Louis, you should definitely donate your time (or talents) to this organization. They are doing great work in our city and it is always a great privilege to photograph the family that gave their money to help further the work of this ministry.

How cute is this family? Seriously.

Young kids are simultaneously the most challenging and most fun part of photography…these kids, however, were only the latter. They were perfect…and it totally shows in the pics we got of them!

Note to self: quantify “squeeze each other tight” when a big brother and little sister are involved. Fortunately no permanent damage done!

These miiiiiight be some of my most fav pics of all time.


Boys will be boys.

Please print this on canvas…

…and this one too 🙂

Dear Otero Family: Hands down the easiest and most fun photo session I’ve had in a while. I hope you love these pics as much as I love the cause you supported to get them!

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  • Halli Bronner

    Gorgeous!!!! What beautiful photos of a beautiful family.